Breaking down Cloud's Breakdown with Bio-Roxas | Prof Noctis Weekly Show Episode 12
00:00:00:00 - 00:00:18:22
Hey everyone, I'm Evan and welcome to another episode of the Prof Knock to show. We are so excited for our interview with the one the only bio rock since today by our access provided some awesome, awesome perspective, especially given their background as a therapist. So we hit on some topics that we haven't even talked about yet on the prof not to show.
00:00:18:22 - 00:00:23:25
And so we're so excited for it. Wait, what did you think about it and how can people support the channel.
00:00:23:27 - 00:00:43:07
You're in for a real treat. Today is what I, what I would say. So like listen along and maybe take notes. I know a lot of your note takers, and, like, I had to reflect on this interview a great deal afterwards. A lot of you have asked how you can continue to support the show. Make sure that you are liking and subscribing and commenting on all of our videos over on YouTube.
00:00:43:07 - 00:00:59:26
And also, if you haven't checked out our audio only podcast over on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify and wherever you get your podcast, make sure you do that. Every rating, every comment, every review helps us. So we would really appreciate it if you did that. And with that, it's time for class.
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Let's go.
00:01:27:17 - 00:01:42:16
Hey, everybody, and welcome back to the professor. Not this weekly show. even though we have kind of deviated from the weekly format, we're still calling it weekly show. But today, we are really excited because not only am I here with, co-host Evan say, hey, Evan.
00:01:42:19 - 00:01:47:16
Hey, everybody. Great to see you. Well, Great to be seen. See, I don't to be seen.
00:01:47:17 - 00:01:49:11
I, I.
00:01:49:13 - 00:02:02:10
To see or be seen. Right now. Literary almost. But not only are we continue our conversation in our lecture series on Final Fantasy seven rebirth, but today we are excited to be joined by the one and only bio.
00:02:02:10 - 00:02:03:27
Roxas. Yeah. Hey.
00:02:04:00 - 00:02:05:06
How are you doing?
00:02:05:08 - 00:02:08:14
Well, thanks for inviting me. I'm so. I'm so honored.
00:02:08:16 - 00:02:31:08
Oh, no. The honor is ours. everybody of you, are just getting to know. Bio. Roxas bio has been a, I would say fairly prolific creator in not just the Final Fantasy community, but especially the Kingdom Hearts community. that's kind of how, how you got your start, right? through Kingdom Hearts and you've kind of gone to other things as well.
00:02:31:10 - 00:02:32:10
Yeah, definitely.
00:02:32:13 - 00:02:37:15
Kingdom Hearts is my bread and butter. Yeah. That's they've if they have any connection, they're like.
00:02:37:15 - 00:02:40:12
Oh yeah, the Kingdom Hearts guy.
00:02:40:14 - 00:03:02:21
The Kingdom Hearts guy. But but the thing that I love about your Kingdom Hearts content is that it goes all over the place. You've got, battle, primers and stuff guides for that sort of stuff. But more recently you've really delved into the psychology of it. We're definitely going to get into that. so anyway, everybody welcome bio Roxas to the show.
00:03:02:21 - 00:03:24:03
And we're going to, continue with our rebirth lecture series as we go. But before we get into that, we really want to get to know bio Roxas and hear a little bit of his story. So, bio introduce yourself to everybody. what do we need to know about you? Kingdom hearts psychology. Yeah. who is bio Roxas?
00:03:24:05 - 00:03:26:06
So, yeah, I, I originally.
00:03:26:06 - 00:03:41:12
Got my start. Like I said, with Kingdom Hearts, King of Hearts was coming out, and I was like, oh, this is really cool. I was super excited about this. And there was one subset of of the, the combat that nobody talked about. And I don't know if you guys know too much about Kingdom Hearts or Kingdom Hearts, mechanics.
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but there's this one, system I just called the form change system, and no one talked about it. And I was like, I really like this. I'm going to blab about this for two years.
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That's what I did. and so I originally got my start.
00:03:55:10 - 00:04:14:02
Yeah. With, like, combat analysis. I just really like to, talk about, like, what makes combat feel good in the game. And I think that that also, like, kind of lends over to Final Fantasy seven remake and rebirth with their combat system. but, yeah, I just love to talk about, like, why does this feel good?
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Why does this flow so well? Or like, what can what can be done better? and so I really like that. And then at some point, after four years, I was like, I probably talked enough about combat and Kingdom Hearts. Let's let's jump to other things. And, in the time that I was, you know, making content, I was going to school for psychology, clinical mental health counseling, to be specific.
00:04:36:21 - 00:04:49:03
And, so I had always had this thing of, everyone call sort like this sunny sunshine boy. if you've been seeing to, everyone's like, oh, he's happy go lucky. He's so happy. And it always.
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Like, hit me. Like, it's kind of weird.
00:04:51:17 - 00:05:12:23
Because there's definitely moments in Kingdom Hearts where that that mask flips. And, it was never really talked about. And so I really wanted to talk about like, okay, there's yes, he is happy and that's, that's something that's good. And it can be positive. But also like there's that pressure in that, that responsibility of having to be happy for other people.
00:05:12:23 - 00:05:29:20
And I think that's really what was like the focal point for Sora. And so I wanted to dive into like, okay, well, I think a lot of people feel this pressure with, you know, having to be happy for other people or wanting to not be a burden to other people. And so let me talk about, you know, the psychology of that.
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And then that video like, skyrocketed. And now I'm doing.
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Both, covert.
00:05:35:24 - 00:05:42:14
Mechanics and psychology. So it's been yeah, very interesting hodgepodge of like two completely different topics.
00:05:42:16 - 00:06:06:29
But what's interesting for me is that the psychology stuff is where I first encountered you. I had seen you on Twitter and stuff, and I knew that you were part of kind of the Square Enix fandom, of sorts. And I was like, okay, well, he does more Kingdom Hearts stuff, but when, when I saw you put out the psychology of Sora, that's that was the first real time that I sat down and really watch something that you had done.
00:06:06:29 - 00:06:34:17
And it was it was amazing. In fact, if anybody has not seen the Psychology of Sora video or any of the psychology series, especially for those that are fans of this channel, these are like required reading for you. they are phenomenal and very well researched and what I appreciated most about this is you speak as one that knows, from a clinical standpoint, this isn't armchair psychology.
00:06:34:17 - 00:06:56:00
This is like somebody that has done the study, done the research, written some thesis, and, that to me, you have a real mastery in the way that you explained it. So that was illuminating for me. And I'll be honest with you, I haven't always been the biggest Kingdom Hearts fan. I, I didn't love Kingdom Hearts one, Kingdom hearts two.
00:06:56:00 - 00:07:12:19
I loved the rocks as part. And then. Okay, there was some stuff in the middle that I liked, but honestly, Kingdom Hearts three is my favorite of the three. Now I say I'm not a big Kingdom Hearts fan. I've played one, two, and three, but I didn't play the fraction games or any of the other stuff. but like one, two and three main line.
00:07:12:19 - 00:07:14:01
That's that's what I mean about.
00:07:14:04 - 00:07:16:20
Kingdom Hearts three. Like really confusing for, you.
00:07:16:22 - 00:07:17:09
00:07:17:09 - 00:07:20:29
It really wasn't it really wasn't.
00:07:21:02 - 00:07:30:15
and I think that's why I give grace to people that play remake and rebirth, but they haven't played og FF7 because I'm like, hey, that's me with like Kingdom Hearts, like it's mystery.
00:07:30:15 - 00:07:33:23
And it's okay. Yeah, I guess, yeah.
00:07:33:26 - 00:07:40:28
You know, hearts three is was such a, yeah. It's fascinating how the response to that was, because it was just this.
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00:07:41:18 - 00:07:58:05
Undertaking of like, we have like 17 years, I think, or 16 years of, of story that we need to tie this up all neatly. And there's so many expectations and things that people want to see. And obviously we're not going to get to all of that. yeah. And it's very interesting.
00:07:58:08 - 00:08:32:02
Oh, it's it's phenomenal stuff. But the the thing about all of it was having watched the psychology stuff and really kind of, taking an interest in you, I just got to say, getting to meet you and be around you at Pax East was like a phenomenal thing. So everybody, we got to meet each other in person in Boston, that Pax East, for this convention and, spent the better part of the weekend, just kind of hanging out, going to panels and stuff and, you you are as legit in person as you are, in the videos.
00:08:32:02 - 00:08:33:09
And I just absolutely love that.
00:08:33:09 - 00:08:38:21
So massive appreciation. your guys. Yeah, that.
00:08:38:21 - 00:08:47:04
Pax is great. It was a really, really fun time. That was the first time I'd gone to like, any, any, like, in-person event. So it was super fun to meet you and everyone.
00:08:47:04 - 00:08:54:26
Else for sure. For sure. So you are our first VTuber. Yeah. Thank you, thank you. Yeah.
00:08:54:26 - 00:09:20:03
We have interviewed, so thank you. You've paved the way for all the other VTubers. Now they won't be scared to come on the show. so I do have some questions around how you kind of got started as a VTuber, because for some of our folks, they turned it on, and here we are. We have a character, and we're talking with you, and it's interactive, but it's new for me, this is probably the most I've interacted with, the kind of someone for the VTuber community.
00:09:20:06 - 00:09:21:09
What is it?
00:09:21:12 - 00:09:24:13
How does it work and how did you get into it?
00:09:24:15 - 00:09:30:05
Okay, so, I don't really know. Okay. I'm just kidding. I just woke up.
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And one day.
00:09:31:01 - 00:09:36:12
I was like, yeah, I was here before. so,
00:09:36:14 - 00:09:37:16
VTuber is.
00:09:37:17 - 00:09:38:28
Like, I.
00:09:38:28 - 00:09:57:20
Think it stands for, like, virtual, like tubing. and so the idea is that you have like, a virtual avatar that that takes the place of views that, maybe it's more emotive or, covers up some privacy for me in particular. when I first started using a YouTube model, my wife was like, well, not my wife.
00:09:57:21 - 00:10:10:03
Me and my wife were kind of uncomfortable having, like, my face and everything online, especially like having our, two kids and, like, I don't know, people are weird online.
00:10:10:06 - 00:10:11:25
Yeah. so.
00:10:11:27 - 00:10:36:21
Not everyone, but some people, like, can get a little weird. And so, when I was, like, thinking about trying to branch in the streaming and, and getting more serious about that and being online, I was like, I need let me, let me try this viewing thing because that was super new and, super innovative. And so for me, a lot of like, the VTuber thing is just privacy, though, now that I'm going to like in-person events, I don't know.
00:10:36:28 - 00:10:38:19
I don't know. It's, it.
00:10:38:19 - 00:11:07:20
First started as privacy. Now it's just kind of been like, a mainstay of the channel. and the way that it works, actually, I use an iPhone. and so it just captures my face. And so any, like, faces that I make usually can capture, and. Yeah, it's, it's really, really cool technology. I know there's, like, a whole, like, community of VTubers and, like, they have their own subculture now and each like, there's, like companies that that have branded VTubers and it's a whole thing.
00:11:07:20 - 00:11:09:25
It's wild.
00:11:09:28 - 00:11:26:23
Do you find that it impacted the way that you present information and how you're able to interact with folks on the channel? And is there a difference between doing it in like a pre form video, like on YouTube and with Twitch, when you're maybe like live streaming, how does that kind of interact together?
00:11:26:25 - 00:11:53:08
so, I, I definitely saw like a huge shift on the channel, on Twitch when I started using a V2 model. Because one of the things that, I've been streaming, I think almost as long as I've made content, but I've always been like a faceless voice, but, like, talks over stuff. and so for streaming, it really shifted that dynamic of like, oh, people can actually see me now and see me react to their comments.
00:11:53:10 - 00:12:20:09
oh, yeah. In a much more like, physical way. And so, a lot of people do that differently. Some people use, the copy and g tubers where like it's a static 2D image that like, reacts and moves around. and I think just in terms of, like from a, engagement standpoint, like having something on screen that people can interact with just is always, not always better, but usually is better.
00:12:20:11 - 00:12:40:26
and so that was a big, big reason why I wanted to use something. and then on the channel, I've only used it a couple of times. and people have been pretty receptive to it, the first few times that I had it because when I, when I do like these random, like, off the cuff videos where I was just kind of yapping and not really, really have a script or any like points to make on screen.
00:12:40:28 - 00:12:58:05
I was like, man, I don't want to just have like gameplay playing because that's like people are going to click off about, and so I was like, well, what? Like I have this speed to model. What if I just, use that? and so, it helped with. Yeah, definitely helps with engagement just because people, you know, I can see somebody.
00:12:58:08 - 00:13:05:09
Now, I've got to ask, did you model this after success, or is that also just, like, coincidental?
00:13:05:11 - 00:13:07:00
kind of. So my.
00:13:07:00 - 00:13:28:20
My channel brand has, it first started as, this crowd, that's on one of the key blades. So that was my first brand. and then as I moved into, like, kind of making more content, I had a, an artist friend that made, like, a Roxas character, and they just, like, sketch that Roxas.
00:13:28:20 - 00:13:42:05
And I was like, oh, that's cool. I'm going to like, I'd love to use that as my channel. Like, every iteration that I've made of, like the new profile picture, I've, I've tried to, like, shifted away from Roxas because I don't want to get sued.
00:13:42:07 - 00:13:44:24
Yeah, sure. so and I mean.
00:13:44:26 - 00:14:10:29
Square Enix is is very kind. they like they've they've partnered with me and I've worked with them and there's never been an issue, which is like like a that's great. but I've always like, tried to be very particular in how I design the VTuber and the characters. because I, I definitely with an in like, xeroxes any blond character with like this outfit is going to look like Roxas.
00:14:11:01 - 00:14:12:21
So it's like there's.
00:14:12:21 - 00:14:26:18
Only so much I can do. I think this actually, this coat is modeled after, but Kingdom Hearts, they came out, they did this like streetwear, line up. And so it's actually like I think it's modeled after like, the streetwear Roxas design.
00:14:26:21 - 00:14:28:11
Oh that's cool. Oh, cool. Yeah.
00:14:28:11 - 00:14:51:25
And then I have like a little satchel that has donuts, which is, which is just a dumb, even my community. and then I have like, some like, like, swords and little knickknacks on my belt. So, like, one is the Final Fantasy 14 mother crystal one a Keyblade. I think the others are like clouds. Buster sword and I think it's a near autonomous item and a weapon.
00:14:52:02 - 00:14:52:20
Oh, cool. Oh.
00:14:52:20 - 00:14:53:18
That's awesome. Yeah.
00:14:53:18 - 00:15:01:03
So I had this idea of, like, I'm going to add, like, a little badge every game I play on the server. And then I didn't keep up with it.
00:15:01:06 - 00:15:01:25
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
00:15:01:26 - 00:15:03:21
Little like merit badges on your sash.
00:15:03:28 - 00:15:07:09
Yeah. Right. I was like, I see, so cool I yeah I kind of dropped it.
00:15:07:11 - 00:15:20:09
Oh hey listen they're they're, they're, they look great as we kind of transition into your work in academic life and in professional life. I also know that you recently had a job transition. How was that going?
00:15:20:09 - 00:15:51:15
Feeling good? Yeah. I don't know how much I can talk about it, but, so I originally. Yeah, when I went to school, I went for my, my master's and, mental health counseling. I got my LPC, which is like a licensed professional counselor. so, licensed. Sorry. and then when I graduated, I actually went into, substance abuse treatment or a substance misuse treatment, rather, and so I did that for a long time and then just recently shifted to.
00:15:53:19 - 00:15:57:22
I guess the best way to put it is like government contract.
00:15:57:22 - 00:16:00:13
Work, I think. I, I don't know, like.
00:16:00:15 - 00:16:09:19
I don't know exactly what I can share and not share, but yeah. So I've shifted away from substance misuse to, like military stuff, actually. So that's very interesting.
00:16:09:21 - 00:16:30:12
Gotcha. Well, I'm grateful that you mention all of this stuff because for the purposes of our conversation today, what it does is it does grant a lot of legitimacy and credibility to a lot of the things that you say, you know, there's a lot of people online that, you know, have nice ideas and theories and stuff, but to hear somebody that's like, hey, I'm living this, right?
00:16:30:12 - 00:16:45:15
Like, this is clinical. There's a lot of stuff. So what I'm trying to say and speak about things, this isn't just like just a random thought, but it is grounded in some study and some research. So I really appreciate you sharing that aspect of things.
00:16:45:17 - 00:16:47:20
Yeah. And I think we get,
00:16:47:23 - 00:16:53:09
Especially in this day and age with like social media and just how fast conversations happen.
00:16:54:10 - 00:17:14:21
There's a lot of, decisions and stuff that we make very emotionally where we, we feel a certain way. Right? And, and we think, oh, like, I feel this. So this must be right. Right. It's like, postmodern, I think viewpoint, which is completely valid. but I think sometimes we, we make claims based off of those feelings.
00:17:14:21 - 00:17:20:28
Then then kind of don't have a basis in a lot of things.
00:17:21:01 - 00:17:22:21
And so.
00:17:22:23 - 00:17:41:10
one of the things that I like to do with my videos is, pull apart these video game characters that we've grown up with because I think it sets up a really interesting, conversation about, like, what are why does so many people resonate with these characters and what's you know, what's so special about them? Yeah.
00:17:41:13 - 00:18:11:27
and not to I and I try to be very particular like very pointed with this of, yes, I have a clinical background and I do have, training, but also like the things that people experience and that they've learned through these characters are not invalid because I've given a different viewpoint. and I think that's like something that's very important to note is, yeah, I, I, I do have background, but also I don't want my word to come across this fact, because we all have different experiences.
00:18:11:27 - 00:18:30:06
These characters are written in a way that we can, relate and connect to on different fundamental levels. And so just because me as a counselor, I like just because I come up and say like, oh, this is what I think, I don't want that to invalidate like what someone else relates to or has found through characters.
00:18:30:08 - 00:18:46:12
Thank you for saying that. On this channel, we talk about lenses, that we see different games and characters through and, and so the lens that you offer definitely offers some, some foundation, some grounding and stuff that I appreciate you saying it doesn't have to be the only one. And so thank you for that.
00:18:46:14 - 00:18:46:27
00:18:46:29 - 00:18:55:11
Because I, I definitely don't want it to come across as like, oh well, like you feel that way about this character. I that's like that's not that's not right. This is this is the real thing. Right?
00:18:55:11 - 00:18:56:18
Because that's definitely.
00:18:56:18 - 00:18:58:28
Not what I want to get across. Yeah.
00:18:58:29 - 00:19:02:16
But when it comes to theories, obviously yours are right. And everybody.
00:19:02:16 - 00:19:05:20
Else. Yeah. No. Yeah. Exactly. Thank thank you.
00:19:05:23 - 00:19:35:19
I think you have a very invitational style in the way that you present the information. You're inviting everyone to look at this psychological concept and then apply it to the character. Right. It's not this is not the definitive conclusion for why they would. But we're trying to do is spark curiosity about maybe why they make the decisions that they do, and then maybe take the extra step to spark some curiosity about why we make the decisions that we make, and why we feel the way that we feel.
00:19:35:19 - 00:20:01:04
And Wade talks a lot about that in the lecture place, and in some of the kind of character breakdowns of why do we think they made this decision? How do you think that impacts you personally? And it takes it kind of in that application, the direction of application, making it real in our lives. Coming off of the screen, we have a segment called Fantasy to Reality, where we take things from the screen in the page, and we try and take the ideas and the concepts and make them more real.
00:20:01:10 - 00:20:22:18
And I think that your videos really do that for others. How did you first find out that that would be a good format to do that? Like why did you start making videos about that? What was the transition from? I'm making animation videos and about battle concepts, and I know you do it for Final Fantasy 14 to I'm going to start doing some of these psychology ones.
00:20:22:18 - 00:20:28:05
Was there a moment that kind of flip, that switch? What did it look like?
00:20:28:08 - 00:20:55:00
I okay, so I traced it back to like a couple podcasts. I was on, in the Kingdom Hearts community where I kept ragging on not ragging, but just kept going on about, you know, everyone thinks or is super happy, but, like, there's something deeper there. so it's always been an idea I wanted to do. and I think I want to say, like, writing it took like a year because me in a me and thought bubble, YouTube.
00:20:55:01 - 00:21:13:18
Who is the other person on that video? me and him got connected. Like, I don't even know, but I, I'm pretty sure it was like a year, six months or eight months where we were, it was on and off of like, oh, we'll just kind of like chat about this or write down some ideas. And, you know, eventually we'll get this big video out.
00:21:13:20 - 00:21:30:15
and the closer that we got to, like, getting a fully formed script, the faster that kind of got. and then eventually I was like, okay, I want to pull the trigger on this. I also, like, have learned a lot about, like, what goes into making this kind of video. And I really think it can be helpful.
00:21:30:18 - 00:21:51:24
And then, I had some thoughts of like, okay, well, if this is received well, then maybe I'll do some more. And then the the response to it really was like, okay, this is this is helpful. This is something that I want to like give to others. And it was actually a moment where we were, we were cutting all together because there was a bunch of different trains of thought.
00:21:51:27 - 00:22:09:00
So there was a section where we kind of went game by game and we're like, here's all the things about the web. And then there was a second section where both of us were trying to like, wrap up our thoughts on it. And I remember I was like, I'm going to put all my thoughts together in one part, and I'm going to let, John, thought bubble put his stuff together.
00:22:09:00 - 00:22:30:11
And he was like, well, well, hold on. Like let's this is like one very I think it's very powerful at the end, where it's just like reminding people, like, if you relate to Sora, like, you were not a burden. on that was like a really big focal point of the video. And I just, like, had thrown that into that and my, my section, he was like, well, like, this is really important.
00:22:30:15 - 00:22:52:01
Like, I think people can learn from this. Let's, let's like make this its own thing. and so that was kind of what turned turn the gears into not just a one off video on psychology and why this is about Sora, but shifting the focus of like, okay, how can I use these characters to either give messages to people or to help them learn something?
00:22:52:03 - 00:23:02:04
and so I after that and after the response, I was like, okay, I want to do more of this. I want to take these characters and, and get something across with each one.
00:23:02:06 - 00:23:22:14
Yeah. You say you like to pull apart the characters, right? And examine kind of some of the moving parts and get past what's on the surface, maybe even in the games of the characters. And that, you know, an important concept for our lives as well. How do you think taking that kind of lens and applying it to video game characters helps us as individuals?
00:23:22:18 - 00:23:50:17
Maybe slow down a little bit in life? to be able to understand ourselves better and understand the world around us. Because I want to get into some of these videos that you made, especially around, the psychology of cloud that Wade is really interested in talking about. And, everything. But let's like, as a base concept, what does it look like to examine a video game character that way, and how does it help us as people slow down and begin to understand ourselves and others better?
00:23:50:19 - 00:24:16:06
I think, the format that I've, I finally kind of landed on with the series is going just step by step through the the journey of the character. and I'm so, like, learning and I don't think I've, honed it quite yet. Sure. but I think one part that kind of helps is, just. Yeah, taking a step through each game of, like, okay, here are the moments that we see where, you know, we see something, right?
00:24:16:06 - 00:24:37:27
I can maybe point out some things here. and then I'll keep it moving. And then at the end, they'll kind of tie everything up. and I think what that does is, is it helps people as they're playing a game, start like picking up moments. So a lot of times I feel like we get we get caught up in the emotion, in the pacing of a game that we we start, like, just looking for the next big moment, right?
00:24:37:27 - 00:25:02:16
Like it's. Oh, you know, it's been a couple side quests. I can't wait until the next big battle. Right. and, and kind of shifting that to like, you know, they're, they're these really interesting character moments that, you know, if we're just looking for the next big action sequence we're going to miss. I think the best example comes from some of the Final Fantasy games, like, Final Fantasy 14 or 16 have really, really, really good character writing.
00:25:02:18 - 00:25:21:29
and I think if you're a lot of people can get caught up in like, oh, these are your side quests. And it's like, no, like these, these side quests and these, these slower moments are the are the important pieces. to me, like, because you get to see that thinking, you get to see the like, the side talk.
00:25:21:29 - 00:25:22:07
00:25:22:07 - 00:25:23:10
Like, yeah.
00:25:23:13 - 00:25:37:26
I don't know. I think that's really, for me at least, like showcasing like, oh, here's like a little side conversation, or like, here's what happens if I'm getting particular in the weeds. that's kind of crazy.
00:25:37:28 - 00:25:38:18
00:25:38:21 - 00:26:08:06
There's parts in Final Fantasy seven, right? Where, like, cloud, has, like, different voice lines if you talk to people multiple times. Right. And so, like, picking those out and showing like, oh, hey, here's a piece of like Cloud's personality that we don't really see unless we're, you know, taking our time and and going through it. And so I think hopefully by, kind of showcasing and diving deep into characters, it helps people look at gaming differently and not just as like, we need the next big spectacle.
00:26:08:06 - 00:26:13:25
But, you know, I really enjoy these smaller these, you know, slower moments.
00:26:13:27 - 00:26:15:09
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
00:26:15:12 - 00:26:44:29
Rebirth to me. yeah. Perfectly illustrates kind of what you're saying. One of my favorite scenes in the entire game is the calm at sunset at Costa del Sol, when it's just like the sunset on the beach, and you just have this very quiet moment after the spectacle where you can spend as much time or as little as you want on that beach, talking to characters and just I think I did photo mode for like two hours, on the beach, but that's that's my journey.
00:26:45:02 - 00:26:47:27
and maybe my addiction. I'm not sure, but.
00:26:47:29 - 00:26:49:27
it's what I love, but.
00:26:49:27 - 00:26:58:16
It is moments like that where it gives you a time to reflect and to pause. And I think that you are able to draw those things out so well
00:26:58:16 - 00:27:14:03
All right, everybody, it's that time in the episode where we get to know each other a little bit better and take a stretch. I know that your arms don't work. fire! We found that out, but maybe we can do next stretches in honor. Here we go. There we go. There we go. That's great. That's great. This is our mini game, stretch break.
00:27:14:03 - 00:27:17:25
But before we do, we got to hit that music. So what? Two, three. Bump bump.
00:27:17:25 - 00:27:20:01
Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump.
00:27:20:03 - 00:27:39:15
Bump bump bump bump. Well done, well done. Thanks everybody for participating on. It's perfect. I have our bingo wheel of vulnerability. Wait, has our geek therapy question cards that we're going to use to get to know one another a little bit. So bio, you get to tell us when to stop. So here's a little audio preview for the people.
00:27:39:21 - 00:27:51:03
And are you ready to say stop. Yes. All right here we go. Tell me when I get that. Wow okay there it is. Oh we didn't get our numbers. Oh oh wait, wait.
00:27:51:05 - 00:27:52:04
Oh, I guess the number.
00:27:52:11 - 00:27:52:24
I saw.
00:27:52:24 - 00:27:56:07
It means nothing, but we. Sometimes we have to start over. Right?
00:27:56:09 - 00:27:57:20
Okay. Take two.
00:27:57:20 - 00:28:05:01
Actually, you guys never know the beginning again. I saw the number. I know the number. I will not guess. I will abstain this episode.
00:28:05:04 - 00:28:05:14
What is it?
00:28:05:14 - 00:28:12:05
Go up to one through 50. So listener guess the number one through 50. Wait, what's your.
00:28:12:07 - 00:28:12:21
00:28:12:28 - 00:28:14:29
Okay. 4045.
00:28:15:02 - 00:28:26:18
The number was 18. Eight, ten. So nice. So okay, I saw it and I fell. I feel terrible, I've ruined the integrity of the very prison that I invented to trap us in.
00:28:26:25 - 00:28:31:02
At least you abstained from the guessing because you really could have taken it and run with the devil.
00:28:31:03 - 00:28:33:27
Yeah. I mean, like, oh, no, I'm great. Wow.
00:28:34:00 - 00:28:40:11
Then it wouldn't have meant as much. You know, I know there's an ethical lesson in there somewhere. So 18 question number 18. What do we have?
00:28:40:11 - 00:29:14:19
Wade an 1112 and we've got 18. There we go. Okay. So here it is from Geek Therapy card deck. It says the topic is video games. there's like five different topics. So that's not coincidental. identify five events or mechanics in video games that you found frustrating and recall how you overcame those difficulties. How did these relate to similar or different, compare and contrast with real life scenarios?
00:29:14:22 - 00:29:33:20
for example, when we become frustrated in real life, how can we use the lessons we've learned in games to help us overcome these difficulties? So identify it says five events. I'm going to just say one one or no sense for five. this is not an hour long session. but what is an event or a mechanic in a video game that you found frustrating?
00:29:33:22 - 00:29:38:23
And how did you overcome those difficulties and relate it to real life fire?
00:29:38:23 - 00:29:43:14
We'll let you go first as our guest, unless you would like more time, and then you can kick it back to work. Yes.
00:29:43:17 - 00:30:07:22
I okay, so this was, Yeah. So I love this game called Final Fantasy 14. I don't know if you guys have heard of it. but there is, there's end game content in that game in the form of raids like Savage Raids, Ultimate raids. There's a whole tier system. so it starts out with, like, normal dungeons that you do through the story, and then you fight a boss, which is called a trial.
00:30:07:24 - 00:30:27:16
but then after you beat the story, you have what's called an extreme trial, which is like a harder version of the trial. And then you also have this separate thing called, rates. There's normal raids, there's savage raids, and then there's ultimate raids, which are kind of like boss rushes that are like half an hour long. so there's a lot of tiers to them.
00:30:27:23 - 00:30:46:28
And, when I first started in the game, I was not great at the game. And so I'd always, get really frustrated and, like, think that, like, my, my static hated me and, felt like they were going to kick me out. And I got a lot of, like, negative self-talk. Right? And so I was like, oh my God, this is, this is this is the day that they're going to kick me out because my numbers are too low.
00:30:46:28 - 00:31:05:12
I keep messing up mechanics. And, and so yeah, I was like a really, really like tough point of like, I really enjoy this. This is supposed to be fun. But I'm also like, I have all this, like negative self-talk and all of this doubt. Right. And so, I, I don't know, I, I eventually got over that.
00:31:05:15 - 00:31:25:26
But, you know, like talking to my static can be like, I'm so sorry and like, kind of, I guess, like getting that evidence back from them of like, oh, like what you're telling me. Kind of great. Going to like the conversation about core beliefs and stuff of like, I was continue to get evidence that, like, my static was not going to kick me out and that they, like, didn't hate me.
00:31:26:02 - 00:31:47:21
And so that that suddenly started like shifting, my thoughts right, of like, okay, maybe I'm not a failure. Maybe I'm not, like awful. And so it help to like, shift that to, a very distressing thing in the game to like a very, like fun thing of like, oh okay. Like I'm learning, right? I can and give myself some grace and a little bit of, I'm going to take the stress off.
00:31:47:24 - 00:31:50:14
Wow. We should have let him go last.
00:31:50:14 - 00:31:55:11
Yeah. Sorry. That's a really good answer. Whoops.
00:31:55:13 - 00:31:57:00
Evan, what about you?
00:31:57:03 - 00:32:26:25
oh. For me, I think the most one of the most frustrating game mechanics of all time as it's gotten better. But it's also we just don't do it anymore. You'll notice that less and less in games is escort quests, where you have a special little follower or helper that has to, like, be somebody that journeys with you and you got to get them from point A to point B, and they either walk too slow, too fast, they get in the wrong fights like it's better if they're invincible, right?
00:32:26:25 - 00:32:46:22
Like it's not a big deal because they're like, okay, you know what? I'll get there eventually. But when you have to protect them and they just keep growing everything around you. Right. and so I think, drew, I think for me, I'm going to compare it to, you know, those days when you're just in a bad mood.
00:32:46:24 - 00:32:47:18
00:32:47:20 - 00:33:16:21
But it's probably from something that's not necessarily related to what you're dealing with, you know, actually in different situations. But you don't want to apply your stinky attitude to people who don't deserve it. You know what I mean? and I think the termination and the installation and the focus that it takes to actually complete the escort quest, where you're paying extra attention to make sure that the the follower isn't outgrowing somebody, or if they get into a fight that you're quickly there to protect them.
00:33:16:23 - 00:33:36:25
I think for me, it's internal management of recognizing that what I'm escorting is the version of me that people deserve to interact with, not my frustrations with an unconnected situation. And so the same attention that I'm going to pay to my escort character, I'm going to pay to my own attitude, actions, and the way that I treat people.
00:33:36:25 - 00:33:49:23
I'm going to be a little more vigilant than I would normally than just running around in the game, because people deserve my best. And so I'm going to put forth the energy and the intention to give that to them, because they deserve it and out of respect for them. So that's that's.
00:33:49:23 - 00:34:10:06
Me. Another good answer. Well, don't even, for me, mine's going to come from Final Fantasy 15. This is a, I tell people this is a seven out of ten game. That's a 10 to 10 out of ten in my heart. But there is one really frustrating thing about this game. And people in the comments will be like, no, there's no pressure or anything.
00:34:10:06 - 00:34:30:21
Well, listen, it made me a doctor, so I'm fine. in the game there was this choice to button map the action button on to the same button as the jump button. Okay, so when you go to talk to people or pick up an item, you almost always will jump.
00:34:30:21 - 00:34:31:22
00:34:31:25 - 00:34:34:24
Because you haven't quite targeted it just right.
00:34:34:24 - 00:34:46:22
I'm trying to go around and play the game or whatever, hundred percent that and all this stuff, and I just constantly am jumping. Well, one day in class, my students were sharing this frustration. They're like, why can't I just pick up things without jumping?
00:34:46:26 - 00:34:55:26
Why can't I do this? And y'all, like, I had this like moment of like, we can turn this. And I said, that's the traditional
00:34:55:26 - 00:35:02:16
greeting. Before you talk to people, you have to jump. And like they of course knew that it was nonsense, but it
00:35:02:16 - 00:35:03:11
into this like
00:35:03:11 - 00:35:10:28
joke with, with my class of like, oh yeah, we're giving the traditional Lucien greeting, where I would have students come up to me and be like, hey, doctor, linger.
00:35:10:29 - 00:35:14:01
And they would jump in front of me and then go sit this.
00:35:14:03 - 00:35:17:18
See these people bunny hopping around the classroom.
00:35:17:20 - 00:35:38:27
It was amazing. But it was it was one of these exercises of turning something that could be really frustrating into, like, this inside joke. And what I've the kind of life lesson I've taken from that is sometimes just be lighthearted, okay? And like, sometimes things aren't that big of a deal. Just enjoy life for what it is and, turn it into something humorous or positive.
00:35:38:27 - 00:35:41:24
Something that's a life lesson for me.
00:35:41:26 - 00:36:02:26
Well, listener, get a little stretching. Let's get another little stretch in our VTubers get their wiggle. You see, it's a nice stretch. Take a moment, relax. Enjoy the rest of the episode, but we hope your day is going okay. We hope that this just gives you a moment of pause. Recognize your body, that you exist and that you're, you know, worthy of love and acceptance.
00:36:02:26 - 00:36:07:05
Just those easy things. We'll see you. Yeah. As we get back to the episode, here.
00:36:07:05 - 00:36:08:13
in these videos. And so
00:36:08:13 - 00:36:10:19
I do kind of want to shift over to those.
00:36:10:19 - 00:36:13:21
Videos, at this point.
00:36:13:24 - 00:36:15:15
psychology of cloud.
00:36:16:09 - 00:36:42:09
This video, hits me on so many different levels, and I want to go in like a million different directions right now. But my first question for you is why psychology of cloud and what was it like creating this this, I mean, I would call it a tome, for this kind of sacred cow of a game.
00:36:42:11 - 00:36:46:25
so the, let me think, I've.
00:36:46:27 - 00:36:54:27
So when I made my Kingdom Hearts three videos, Final Fantasy seven remake was coming out just around the corner.
00:36:54:29 - 00:36:56:18
00:36:56:21 - 00:37:16:25
I was it wasn't super on my radar until, like, it was, like, almost out. and so when I played that game, I was blown. I mean, everyone was blown away, I think, but it was incredible. and I met, Sleepy's through, a fellow, like, Kmart's friend. actually, finally. Oh, wow. so it's it's a crazy story.
00:37:16:27 - 00:37:35:07
so I don't know if you guys have heard of topsy McGee. he's he's a streamer. Back in the day, me and him got super close. one of his chatters, was a fan of Sleepy's. Is to me. And top two were Kingdom Hearts streamers. Sleepy's, of course, was in like, the Final Fantasy seven sphere.
00:37:35:10 - 00:37:54:12
And, this chatter was like, I really want to connect Sleepy's and taxes. Let's like, let me get them together and have them talk. and then at some point I got, like, wrangled into a voice call. And so we all started talking and, let me think, how do I. I mean, we cut all the details.
00:37:54:14 - 00:37:55:21
It's eventually we just.
00:37:55:24 - 00:38:33:06
Me and, me and CVC started just talking about, like, the lure of Final Fantasy seven and kind of how closely it lined up to Kingdom Hearts. and that's what, like, really stoked that flame of Like Me and Final Fantasy seven has some really, really deep characters. And so, with, rebirth coming out, I was just like, man, I really want to have just like a, a character dive into who cloud is so that in the event that, you know, remake rebirth in the third game or actually a sequel, that we have some reference of, like, okay, how is the character shifted?
00:38:33:09 - 00:38:48:19
and so I think at the time when I started writing it, I was very convinced that, like Remake and Rebirth were a sequel to the oh seven, where, like, this is a different cloud or farther in the future, like everything had like shifted temporarily. I don't think that's.
00:38:48:19 - 00:38:50:12
The case anymore. I could be wrong.
00:38:50:13 - 00:38:51:11
Oh, interesting.
00:38:51:11 - 00:38:58:02
Okay, so I pretty now it's more of like, it's just a retelling of it, and there's.
00:38:58:02 - 00:39:05:01
Okay, so, you've stumbled upon what I would call a land mine, in the community.
00:39:05:04 - 00:39:05:12
00:39:05:12 - 00:39:17:05
What was it about rebirth? Just briefly. And then I want to get back to the psychology of cloud video. What was it about rebirth that convinced you that this is a retelling and not a sequel?
00:39:17:07 - 00:39:22:09
I'll buy you a little time to think about it, because, whenever Wade always says.
00:39:22:11 - 00:39:23:08
Okay. Yeah, well, that's.
00:39:23:11 - 00:39:26:27
You know, briefly and then ask the question that necessitates a 15 minute.
00:39:26:27 - 00:39:27:07
00:39:27:10 - 00:39:29:05
15 minute answer. Right. so.
00:39:29:07 - 00:39:30:09
I bought you some time for the.
00:39:30:09 - 00:39:31:09
Question about students.
00:39:31:09 - 00:39:32:15
Who are in class and they're like.
00:39:32:22 - 00:39:34:26
Hey, listen, I can't.
00:39:34:26 - 00:39:36:23
So yeah, okay. So I.
00:39:36:23 - 00:40:08:27
Think, I think the reason I think that it's a retelling and not a, a sequel, is just the developer response to the feedback of remake. I think they had a, a very and a very different story, but seems like the, the feedback from remake caused them to shift slightly. And I wanted to do with rebirth. and I think that's, I think that's also like highly debated about like if the devs have a plan for it or if they're going off and feedback.
00:40:09:00 - 00:40:36:15
and I look back to like Aerith and her response to the whispers, right. How in remake she was, she's very much like she is very much from the future, right. but then when we shift into rebirth, all of that future knowledge has kind of been taken from her. that seems very much like. Okay, we were there was something we had in, in in mind, but now we're going to maybe shifts.
00:40:36:18 - 00:40:44:27
So just like, oh, like there might be future events, but also like we're this is very much just happening for the first time kind of.
00:40:45:00 - 00:40:46:19
I don't know. Yeah.
00:40:46:19 - 00:41:06:05
It's it's hard to say. And like if you talk to ten different creators on this, they're going to have different responses as well. and I think that, so many people have kind of shifted back and forth between that. Some are are still diehard, you know, it's a sequel, others are like, no, it's always been a retelling.
00:41:06:07 - 00:41:08:15
do you know if it.
00:41:08:15 - 00:41:15:04
Was all part of the plan, in remake to rebirth? And we know they've shifted some things.
00:41:15:07 - 00:41:15:21
what do.
00:41:15:21 - 00:41:36:13
You think that Aerith losing her memories or future memories of the whisper from the whispers? does narratively, for rebirth, that maybe remake was maybe critiqued for not able to do a do you think it's a better choice? A comment briefly on that.
00:41:36:16 - 00:42:02:12
so I okay, so I have two thoughts. One is about, fan interaction with developer developers content. other is like how does it impact the shift with Aerith forgetting everything? Because I think remake very much has like that ominous feeling of, okay, we're in a story, but obviously like Aerith and Sephiroth are playing on a completely different level, right?
00:42:02:12 - 00:42:21:10
They're they're talking to each other, saying things that we as a player have no idea what they mean. Right? and as, like you dive into it, maybe you can start putting the pieces together, but it's very much like we are talking about things that you're going to go play the third game and then come back and and see how this lines up.
00:42:21:10 - 00:42:49:20
Yeah, they're talking about the future with rebirth. I feel like them taking Earth's memories. shifts it back to a present focus. Right. Like it's fighting against she's still wanting to fight against the future that is coming, I think. but we're very much now in a point where all of our party is, is centered in the past and or in the present, and we're moving towards the future, whereas a remake, right.
00:42:49:20 - 00:42:59:01
Again, kind of going back, Aerith was very much from the future or had future knowledge that she was trying to shift the outcome of the present. Okay, so. Oh, sorry.
00:42:59:02 - 00:43:17:00
Oh, no, I'm just going to rephrase and restate so that everybody's kind of caught up. So you're saying that it was both a tonal shift in between the two games, where the way that it was approached from the character's side and some of the writing kind of gave some indications. There was maybe a change. And then you also think it was a focal shift.
00:43:17:03 - 00:43:19:28
and those were the two things for how you kind of picked up on it.
00:43:20:01 - 00:43:45:15
Yeah, exactly. Okay. and so I feel like, yeah, now we're at this point with the third game of, okay, the person that was supposed to help us in the future is now gone, and now we're up against somebody that is completely on a different level. And so it's almost like we're we're having to navigate something where the other person already knows the outcome.
00:43:45:18 - 00:43:49:21
and we don't have that extra help anymore, which is going to be fascinating. I'm, I'm so are we.
00:43:49:25 - 00:43:57:04
We have to clarify, just for the audience and for everybody. You're speaking of Aerith losing Aerith.
00:43:57:07 - 00:43:57:12
00:43:57:13 - 00:44:01:28
Is it safe to assume that you were on the side that Aerith has died?
00:44:02:01 - 00:44:21:10
Okay, I, I would have put a pin in one thing I think I see, you were writing something down. I want to come back to this about, how fan interaction impacts, developer content and, like, yes, my feelings on that, because I have a lot of feelings on that. I will bring.
00:44:21:10 - 00:44:22:15
It back up for.
00:44:22:15 - 00:44:23:18
00:44:23:21 - 00:44:24:12
00:44:24:14 - 00:44:49:20
I'm very delist in the sense, I don't know if nihilist is the right word for it, but I, I really want the events of the this, this, whatever this is. Right? This trilogy, to, to be, like, really, really dark. Like, my thing is I wanted Aerith to live in the end.
00:44:50:04 - 00:45:02:23
Only to get to the very last game and realize that in order to save everyone or to have the least consequence to the planet and the people on it happen, she has to die.
00:45:02:25 - 00:45:03:08
00:45:03:09 - 00:45:20:13
Right. And so I wanted it. I wanted it to be this very like this tragedy. Almost. Right. Like we did save her in the second game. She's okay. We're going to change the future. And then you get to the end and they realize we can't do that. Like if we want to save people, right? Like especially Aerith, right?
00:45:20:13 - 00:45:46:00
That that, like seeing that inner struggle between, like she really wants to live, right? She wants she wants to either, you know, be with these new friends or have a way of bringing Zack back. but then, like, having to wrestle with, okay, I can save myself and these people and essentially doom the earth, or I can go back and perish to save everybody else.
00:45:46:00 - 00:45:54:03
And I think that, like, that would be, like, just such a, that'd be such a hard thing to to navigate. And wouldn't.
00:45:54:03 - 00:45:55:09
It be.
00:45:55:11 - 00:45:55:16
00:45:55:23 - 00:46:08:07
That's my, like, horrible dark. Like no one wants to have that experience happen. But like I think that would like narratively I think that would be just, like a really interesting, tough conversation to have.
00:46:08:09 - 00:46:33:25
Aerith says something in chapter one of rebirth and they're talking about Sephiroth. they're saying somehow he's alive, and she says, I don't know so much about him being alive as much as around. Would it be fair to say that era, that the end of rebirth is around, not necessarily alive? And what do you think is the the consequence collateral of that?
00:46:33:27 - 00:46:34:29
I don't well, okay.
00:46:34:29 - 00:46:59:24
At this point, I don't know if it's too different than what she was in, like, the end of OG seven and into having children, right. Because she's very much around, in a sense talking to cloud and like still interacting. So to me and I'm not a lawyer Masters so I don't know, like what all has been theorized or what has been found.
00:46:59:26 - 00:47:10:04
but for now, right now it feels like she's very much in the same place she was in OG seven and Advent Children. but I don't, I don't know.
00:47:10:09 - 00:47:10:18
00:47:10:25 - 00:47:31:23
Wait, if you'll just like, just say what the significance of that would be for people who maybe don't know what like OG versus Advent Children versus where we're at right now, sure that we're pretty deep into a video we are. But just give like the 15 second like, this is what this means. This is what Advent Children is, and this is that that way we can.
00:47:31:25 - 00:47:58:20
Yeah. In the original game, Aerith dies. and yet she is still in some ways her prayer, at least her her power through a specific, materia that she is left behind is still taking effect and still empowering the party, still fighting against Sephiroth and his forces. And this is, coming up in pretty illustrative detail in the rebirth, remake rebirth, trilogy.
00:47:58:23 - 00:48:22:10
Advent children is the movie sequel to Final Fantasy seven OG, and probably the sequel to the remake trilogy as well. we don't know until the third one comes out. but allegedly the devs say it's lining up her. She is present in Advent Children in these sort of like, it not really visions because they're like real.
00:48:22:13 - 00:48:30:24
But she's still interacts. She's around with the players even though she is canonically dead at that point. So that's kind of what we're referencing.
00:48:30:24 - 00:48:31:20
Evan okay.
00:48:31:24 - 00:48:34:20
Great. Everybody, you're caught up. You understand everything. Now we can.
00:48:34:21 - 00:48:35:25
00:48:35:28 - 00:48:39:22
Right in, please.
00:48:39:25 - 00:48:52:01
So, we want to make sure that we come back to to what you just said about devs and yes, thank you back. And so please let's loop back on that and then we'll, we'll get into some of.
00:48:52:03 - 00:48:53:27
I can reset the question for.
00:48:53:28 - 00:48:56:01
I think I remember,
00:48:56:04 - 00:49:19:04
Where it was about like how the fans response might have shifted or impacted some of the devs, writing or the direction that they took for the story. again, we don't know how much that actually, like, impacted it. We don't know how much they've written. We don't know how much they are taking fan feedback into consideration.
00:49:19:07 - 00:49:23:09
Right. but whenever I hear that, I always like.
00:49:23:12 - 00:49:23:19
I don't.
00:49:23:19 - 00:49:35:17
Know, I cringe, not like cringe, but like, I, I'm very averse to, feedback impacting the intended design that somebody has.
00:49:35:22 - 00:49:35:28
00:49:36:02 - 00:49:38:22
You're like the king of the whispers. You want things to follow the.
00:49:38:22 - 00:49:42:22
Plan, right? Yeah. Right. and so.
00:49:42:25 - 00:50:11:15
Yeah. So what I heard like that fan feedback was taken into consideration. I think I've seen articles that said, like the, the main story that they want to say isn't really impacted, but maybe some of the things are and again, I that could be possible. but I'm always just averse when I hear that because I think if you have a story that you want to say and that you want to like that you that you have that you should you should push for the story in the vision that you have.
00:50:11:17 - 00:50:34:13
it goes, it's it's really silly. It goes back to this manga I read as a kid called Bakuman. Not the not the little like, metallic balls that turned into monsters, but it was about, two mangaka that that wanted to write their own, series, and it followed them and it was Slice of Life and, one of the, the ending arcs of it was they wanted to get an anime.
00:50:34:16 - 00:50:50:27
And so they did everything that they could to get popular. And so one of the things that they did was I started taking fan submissions in and trying to work that into their, their pieces. Right. And so they started like taking in fan theories and what the fans wanted to see. And at first people were like, oh, great.
00:50:50:27 - 00:50:54:12
Like, I'm seeing my stuff. But then.
00:50:54:14 - 00:50:55:05
00:50:55:07 - 00:51:14:05
engagement and the, fan reception started to turn on them because it was no longer they were no longer along for the ride. Right? They were there was this almost like shift in how people engaged with it because of like, them not bending to their fans, but just.
00:51:14:07 - 00:51:17:26
It almost like took the.
00:51:17:29 - 00:51:45:04
The expectation that the, the fans had of them. Right. It was just like, oh well, like why aren't you telling the story that you want to tell, right? Why? Why do you feel like why are you not confident enough in your story to tell it how you want to tell them? And so that's always like stuck with me of again, that's I'm not I'm not trying to say that the, the writers of seven are not confident, but that always just kind of creeps into my mind when I, when I see, like, fan feedback taken in,
00:51:45:07 - 00:51:46:13
Which is a book.
00:51:46:13 - 00:52:02:18
Club discussion just the other day and someone was talking about, I forget the name of the author. It was an author, a professor, and he was talking. He was one of the teachers of George R.R. Martin who wrote Game of Thrones. and obviously Game of Thrones is not finished yet as of the recording of this, that final book he hasn't written.
00:52:02:21 - 00:52:03:12
But I.
00:52:03:18 - 00:52:03:22
00:52:03:26 - 00:52:25:26
Yeah, well, we have winds of Winter, I guess is the last book, and it's not out yet, and he supposedly is writing it anyways. the advice that was given to him by the professor was, don't release any of your books until you've written all of them. Basically, don't don't put out anything. Like, if I could go back in time, I would write everything that I wanted to write and just release it as one go.
00:52:25:26 - 00:52:38:16
Now, obviously in video games, that's not really possible and it's not really possible in writing either. I mean, you have you typically need some money to be able to write more things, but I think it illustrates a little bit of that tension that exists within that creative process.
00:52:38:19 - 00:52:40:06
00:52:40:08 - 00:52:53:15
I mean, cause, right, like once you see, if you're writing a trilogy and you're like, man, I really want this person to die in in the third game or the third book. And then you see everyone like, you put out the first book, and everyone loves this character.
00:52:53:15 - 00:52:54:04
00:52:54:07 - 00:52:55:13
Now you're like, oh.
00:52:55:13 - 00:52:58:14
Now like like maybe I should maybe I should.
00:52:58:14 - 00:53:15:11
Change things, right? Because if this character dies in this book and everyone loves them, they might be upset. And so maybe now I'm going to, you know, stop foreshadowing that or stop setting that up and try to like, shift gears that, you know, maybe they almost die and then they, they don't I don't know. I'm. Yeah.
00:53:15:13 - 00:53:35:24
It's such a challenge. Right. And even as, content creators, you know, to to stay true to the vision, and desires of, of, you know yourself what you want to put out into the world versus what's going to get traction and stuff. And it's such an interesting balance between what you want to create and what may really catch fire.
00:53:35:24 - 00:53:39:02
So I'm sure that that's a temptation for a lot of people out there.
00:53:39:04 - 00:53:45:27
Oh for sure. I mean, it's so easy that it's so easy to think, oh, I'll just like I'll just do whatever's popular.
00:53:45:29 - 00:53:46:16
but I.
00:53:46:17 - 00:54:26:17
Think and you see that happen to some creators where like they get labeled as like a sellout or they get labeled as, you know, somebody that that is a fence sitter or like. Right. And so in this, in this shift, you want to appeal to as many people as possible, right? You dilute yourself in your content. because if you're if, if you're not confident enough to follow through in the vision that you have, I'm a very firm believer, that, like, people can pick up on that, like, I think we put a lot of ourselves into our content, and we don't put 100% if we don't put our authentic self into stuff.
00:54:26:17 - 00:54:28:29
I think that kind of bleeds through.
00:54:29:02 - 00:54:30:10
00:54:30:12 - 00:54:33:01
I don't know, that's kind of like, I don't know if that's clinical.
00:54:33:03 - 00:54:35:12
Or like maybe. Well.
00:54:35:14 - 00:55:00:06
One of the things that we've learned is that, content creators, especially some that are just getting started, are interested in something. Maybe it's not even content creation through videos. but some other means of creation. They listen to this. And one of the things that feedback that I've gotten is keep asking those questions, because it helps me clarify that kind of thing that I want to create, what kind of creator I want to be.
00:55:00:06 - 00:55:03:14
So I appreciate you answering that question. That's great.
00:55:03:17 - 00:55:03:20
00:55:03:20 - 00:55:23:15
I think as a new creator, it's very, it's very easy to get like, I don't know, like it's almost like a fire hydrant. It's like, yeah, sponsored engagement. Like, if you're not ready for it. And I don't, I don't think anyone can be ready for it. Like once, once you're a video catch fire or once you start building an audience.
00:55:23:15 - 00:55:32:05
Like it is very intimidating because, like, we're all people, right? Like, there's not like there's not better people than others, right?
00:55:32:12 - 00:55:33:20
Like. And I think.
00:55:33:22 - 00:55:53:03
There like when you start gaining traction of any kind, there starts to like, be that shift and like, oh, you have to, you know, you have to know everything or you have to know exactly like, you know, every point of Final Fantasy seven before you talk about it, like, yeah, expectations that come up about people because I don't know why, but.
00:55:53:05 - 00:55:54:23
But it's it's my.
00:55:54:23 - 00:56:09:08
Favorite thing about this fandom. And it's also one of the things I'm like, oh, ouch. like anytime you go to a convention or something like that, people will get into the weeds sometimes with voice actors. And the voice actors are like, I don't know, you know.
00:56:09:08 - 00:56:11:01
00:56:11:04 - 00:56:15:05
That is some minutia and some detail that I wasn't in that scene. So.
00:56:15:08 - 00:56:16:11
00:56:16:14 - 00:56:18:16
I have friends of any fandom.
00:56:18:19 - 00:56:19:16
it does.
00:56:19:18 - 00:56:22:24
It's. Yeah, because it happens in Kingdom Hearts where like.
00:56:22:26 - 00:56:24:26
Oh, I'm sure it happens in Kingdom.
00:56:24:26 - 00:56:25:27
00:56:25:29 - 00:56:28:23
There's not a lot of crossover ships in that game, are there?
00:56:28:25 - 00:56:32:13
No, I don't think so. Just a few. It's there's so.
00:56:32:13 - 00:56:33:26
Many moving parts and details.
00:56:33:27 - 00:57:11:13
It's an ambitious game. I do wonder how that impacts our development as people. And here's what I mean by that. What we're talking about with content creation, and the way that the feedback that you receive impacts the kinds of things that you maybe want to make or influences how you talk about it, it does seem like a little bit of a microcosm of the individuation process that we kind of all undergo, how we become the people that we are, how we determine what's important to us, what our values are, who I am and what I'm about, and the impact that external feedback has on that from your experience in life.
00:57:11:13 - 00:57:25:17
And then clinically, what does that process look like, and how does thinking actively about it help us to achieve the life that we want, feel called to and be more satisfied with it? That's a big question. Sorry.
00:57:25:19 - 00:57:26:08
00:57:26:11 - 00:57:46:11
Let me like let me ask it back to make sure I understand. So, how does like how do we like, let me think. I just lost it, I had it, how do we, as creators, like, react to, like, the, the communities that we're a part of and how we create content for it?
00:57:46:14 - 00:58:04:22
Yeah. So using that as the example, the, the idea that someone else's feedback would impact your path and decision. Right. As a queer thing we experience that in life all the time, not about content creation, about just life creation and individuation and growing as a person.
00:58:04:25 - 00:58:05:23
How do we.
00:58:05:23 - 00:58:17:15
Learn about how to have a more active role in understanding what that impact of that external feedback is, and comparing its validity and importance with becoming the person that we want to be?
00:58:19:21 - 00:58:53:24
I think like there's two different things. I think like as a creator and just like engaging in a fandom. and correct me if I'm getting off track, but, I think, like, individually, I think we all are wired for connection. Right. And so, I think as we connect with people and we get into these fandoms as we make content, there's a very strong urge to not rock the boat in a sense of like, I'm just thinking of, like, individual ality and like, not herd mentality, but like being part of a group.
00:58:53:26 - 00:59:09:00
And there's that weird like push and pull in that balance. So yeah, I don't want to I don't want to upset people. Right? I want to be part of this thing. but also, like, I want to say things that maybe aren't going to agree with everyone. I mean, I.
00:59:09:00 - 00:59:10:01
Can I think.
00:59:10:01 - 00:59:36:00
The easiest example is like, with, like, shipping, right? Like those is pocket fandoms where people find a lot of like identity and relation and, like self-expression through these, you know, through these connections that they have with the characters and who they, see us together. But then that pushes up against, like another group that says, like, we see something completely different.
00:59:36:00 - 00:59:39:13
And how does that like, how does that impact things?
00:59:39:14 - 00:59:41:23
And so.
00:59:41:25 - 01:00:06:28
yeah, I don't know, I feel like with and maybe I'm getting off track, but I feel like with individuality there's this is like deconstruction and reconstruction period. When we get into a fandom where, and this is just in my experience, I don't know if this happens with everyone. but there was a it was a time where I kind of lost a lot of my identity and trying to, like, connect with the fandom where I was like, oh, I want to, I want to get along with everyone.
01:00:07:00 - 01:00:33:22
I don't know how to do that. And so I'm just going to like, just try to, like, get along with everybody. And during that, I think I lost a lot of, like, my own individuality. and like, I like over the past couple of years by like two years, I like, saw like, wow. Like, I really don't know who I am in the community or just like in myself in general, just because I've, I've poured so much of myself into content and into this community.
01:00:33:25 - 01:00:49:13
And I never I didn't spend the time to pour back into myself. And that makes sense. Yeah. and so, like over the past couple of years, I've tried to, like, take a step back and kind of solidify my own individuality some more. so it's been interesting. I did that answer. Your question was I.
01:00:49:16 - 01:00:55:16
Did I go off track? Not totally. Wade, I think I think so, so. Well, could I can.
01:00:55:16 - 01:01:01:04
I ask a follow up question to that? You you said you've spent some time doing some of the stuff
01:01:01:04 - 01:01:12:21
what is it that worked for you to help you reflect and offer care to yourself so that you could, find some individualization and identity?
01:01:12:23 - 01:01:13:16
I think it kind of.
01:01:13:16 - 01:01:20:18
Took just, realizing that, I was very isolated.
01:01:20:21 - 01:01:20:26
01:01:20:26 - 01:01:40:16
The sense of like once, like once I hit like, I didn't hit, like rock bottom or rock bottom or anything, but like, there was a point where, like, I just I didn't feel connected anybody because I had just, like, I don't know, like, in the effort to connect with the fandom and connect with everyone, I almost like isolated myself.
01:01:40:18 - 01:01:44:09
and so it was that point of like, I looked around and I was like, I don't even know who I am.
01:01:44:12 - 01:01:45:28
Like, I'm trying to.
01:01:45:28 - 01:02:09:02
Like, enjoy this fandom and like, everyone's like angry. Everyone is like frustrated. And there's like, so much of, like, just this, like surface level engagement. I don't even, like, know, like, who's my friend or like, who's like, who's around. and so it took a lot of like, okay, I need to set my own boundaries around how much do I engage with this, how
01:02:09:02 - 01:02:39:08
and, and being more intentional about, like, connecting with people. because very easy to be like, I love cloud and I love, I don't know Tifa. And I like to love these interactions. I'm going to go talk to all these people about how much I like these interactions. but then if you build your whole identity around this one thing, right, if something happens where you're pushed out of that community or if you're, you know, I don't know, just shift your thinking and all of a sudden you look around, you're like, oh, I.
01:02:39:11 - 01:02:40:25
I don't have anybody. Right.
01:02:40:28 - 01:03:03:26
And so then there's that like that. so yeah. And it goes back to that herd mentality of like, we are very much designed to connect with people. and sometimes we do that to the detriment of our own identity. and if we're not careful about that, if we don't set boundaries, it's a very high likelihood that we will shift and morph to fit other people's vision of who we are.
01:03:03:29 - 01:03:06:06
And in so doing, we lose ourselves.
01:03:06:08 - 01:03:06:28
I've never done.
01:03:06:28 - 01:03:08:10
That in my entire life. Ever.
01:03:08:14 - 01:03:14:29
No. Yeah. Never. Yeah. I wish that's perfect. yeah. I was getting like, a.
01:03:14:29 - 01:03:22:10
Degree in, like, all this, that it it negates mental health. It negates, like, negative outcomes, but it doesn't.
01:03:22:12 - 01:03:24:27
It only.
01:03:25:00 - 01:03:25:08
01:03:25:08 - 01:03:37:20
Mentioned in your psychology of cloud video the following statement, you say, so many of us are desperate to be accepted, so we'll try to form and fit to other people's views of us.
01:03:37:20 - 01:03:43:20
what was it about Cloud's story that really resonated with you on that level?
01:03:43:22 - 01:03:44:07
I think it.
01:03:44:07 - 01:03:57:29
Came down to there was one because as I was writing Cloud psychology, I was actually like a little lost through like half of it. it was just so deep. I didn't know the characters as well.
01:03:57:29 - 01:04:06:10
like, halfway through the cloud psychology video, I was very lost in. And what I wanted to get across because I was like, I, I'm laying out all.
01:04:06:10 - 01:04:08:06
Of Cloud's character.
01:04:08:06 - 01:04:30:24
I still don't really understand who this character is because it just it doesn't it doesn't feel like it's any one thing. Right. And then I came across this line, I think in like the third or fourth act where he said something about like a billion mirror fragments, right. And, actually, I think I was talking to Gallagher, and he mentioned like, oh, this is actually a reference to Xeno gears or something.
01:04:30:26 - 01:04:33:25
And I was like, oh, cool. But again.
01:04:33:25 - 01:04:58:13
Still, it's so fit in there narratively with cloud. I know that was like an Easter egg, but, that's when it kind of solidified of like cloud has been trying to be this thing for other people so much that he's just lost himself. Right? Like he wants to be this, like, cool, aloof person for, like for Tifa, or he wants to be like this, this caring person for Aerith.
01:04:58:13 - 01:05:23:08
And, he gets so lost in, like, portraying somebody strong that he never has, like, that actual time to to actually become strong, right? Like he he wants to portray something, that he sees in Zack, and then he looks up to you. So much that he builds this persona around something that doesn't actually exist. And so when he he hits that tension, it it fractures him.
01:05:23:10 - 01:05:24:29
so, yeah.
01:05:25:02 - 01:05:52:22
You mentioned in that same, kind of, segment of your video, the live stream sequence, the, kind of, I guess end of act two, beginning of act three sort of sequence that so many fans are looking forward to. It's the live stream sequence where cloud is lost himself and Tifa helps find him, and you distinguish between core memories and general memories.
01:05:52:22 - 01:06:08:01
You talk about core beliefs, founding core memories and all this kind of stuff. Talk to us a little bit about that, because you started to go into some really cool depth and I was just like, so what is a core memory and how would I identify that for myself?
01:06:08:08 - 01:06:09:29
Yeah. So I yeah, I.
01:06:10:01 - 01:06:13:28
Think I had to like stop myself from like going on like a tangent about.
01:06:13:29 - 01:06:16:03
I could have listened for 30 more minutes about.
01:06:16:03 - 01:06:18:16
The let's go. so.
01:06:18:16 - 01:06:38:01
There's this idea, and it's rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy. but we have these schema schemas are kind of just basic, but, we have these things that we build around ourselves and or about the world around us. Right? We have these core beliefs about this is how things work, right? And everyone's core beliefs are different. Right.
01:06:38:03 - 01:06:48:00
for some people, we might believe that the world is safe, right? That there are people out there that care about it or that, you know, people have our best interests at heart, right? And so we
01:06:48:00 - 01:06:59:02
core beliefs. Then the way that we interpret the world and the interactions around us are going to be completely different than the core beliefs that somebody has that like, they're not safe, they can't trust anybody.
01:06:59:04 - 01:07:20:15
Right? If somebody walks up to you and, I don't know, they like they curse you out. Right? If somebody has a core belief of like, you know, people are inherently good, right? Then then our initial reaction might be like, oh, they might just be having a bad day, or you know what? What what's got into them. Right.
01:07:20:17 - 01:07:40:19
and so it's a lot easier to, like, laugh that off or to not take that personally as opposed to like, oh, people are people. I can't trust people. Right. And so if someone curses me off, I'm much more likely to just cut that person off, right? Like, I don't like, oh, they've showed their true colors now. Now I know that, like, the thoughts I've had before are valid and I shouldn't trust them.
01:07:40:21 - 01:08:03:13
Right. And so at a fundamental level, we all have these. And that's like a very basic one, like a very basic example. but at a fundamental level, right. We have some beliefs about how the world works. and that is how we come at things. Right? and so, yeah, core beliefs are fascinating because they're very, very hard to shift.
01:08:03:16 - 01:08:14:08
Right. We can shift them when we have enough evidence. We can shift that core belief to something else. but usually it takes a lot of effort.
01:08:14:11 - 01:08:18:19
You say that every time we recall something, we subtly shift.
01:08:18:19 - 01:08:20:09
It as well. Yeah.
01:08:20:09 - 01:08:30:16
And that, to me, combined with the core memories and core beliefs, was maybe the most profound thing that I. You had so many profound moments. I was just like writing down everything.
01:08:30:16 - 01:08:31:15
That I heard.
01:08:31:17 - 01:09:05:17
And you pair it with this live stream sequence and you say these core memories, of Tifa and Tifa falling and nearly dying in childhood. Cloud isn't able to save her. cloud isn't included in their their, childhood friend group. he goes off to soldier, and he doesn't make the cut. And each time you say that as he recalls these things, he's shifting the core belief rooted in that memory.
01:09:05:17 - 01:09:36:02
So he blames himself for not saving Tifa. He blames others for his circumstance of feeling weak. It was them that kept him apart if he was weak. And so it's a self authorship that, is kind of self degrading. He goes off to soldier and he's not good enough. And so shame and embarrassment drives him. What is it about revisiting those core memories that shifts his core beliefs in that final act of OG seven?
01:09:36:04 - 01:09:47:18
it comes back in Tifa actually. okay, I don't know if I say it in the video, but like, I think, Tifa is such an important part of that reconstruction.
01:09:47:18 - 01:09:50:15
01:09:50:17 - 01:10:12:19
it's it's this it's, evidence against it, right? Where she. I think it makes the point of like. Oh, I didn't know you wanted to hang out with us, right? I didn't know that that was such an important thing. and she doesn't she doesn't tell him what to think. Right. because in that moment, it would have been very easy for her to take the reins and just be like, this is what you should.
01:10:12:19 - 01:10:14:02
Think, right?
01:10:14:04 - 01:10:34:03
But in so doing that it would then just shift Cloud's dependance because before it was very much hinged on I want to be a strong here like Zack. Right. Or I want to be like a strong soldier for like to protect this person. Right. It would have shifted that to oh I am okay. Right? I'm good enough because Tifa think so, right?
01:10:34:03 - 01:10:39:09
And so like that one would. That would not have been helpful. And I think Tifa sees that.
01:10:39:11 - 01:10:39:27
Do you.
01:10:39:29 - 01:10:47:01
Believe that someone can reconstruct themselves, or do they need someone to curate or guide them.
01:10:47:01 - 01:10:48:10
Through that?
01:10:48:12 - 01:11:14:20
That's, That's a good I. I probably comes back to, like, resiliency theory. in the sense of like, not everyone is going to be the same way, right? Someone else could have gone through Cloud's exact same experiences and had just different core beliefs. Right? You might have taken the exact same information, process it differently, and and come out with fundamentally different core beliefs about that and about himself.
01:11:14:22 - 01:11:18:10
and so I think for some people.
01:11:18:12 - 01:11:19:12
01:11:19:15 - 01:11:45:17
They need. They don't they don't need somebody. But it's helpful in finding themselves to have guidance or to have support, for other people, I think they, they can do it. I don't know, I'm very much of the belief of like support is important. I think it's one of the basis of like, I don't know, like strength.
01:11:45:19 - 01:12:09:27
Well, it's one of the things that the developers and at least the marketing team for rebirth have really leaned into. I mean, they did the whole, you know, supporting one another, things I forget the program that they called, but it was essentially talk to one another, support one another, be a friend to somebody today. And it's rooted in this game who's central key theme is about bonds, the bonds that you make, bonds that are broken.
01:12:09:29 - 01:12:32:10
And all of this, for 200 someone hours. and I think, you know, your video, even revisiting it today to prepare for this conversation, it reminded me of all the times that I've had to have somebody else help me reauthorize, and sell author moments of my past. you know, we talked a little bit before the show about how Evan and I met.
01:12:32:10 - 01:12:35:20
We met in Tuscaloosa when we were both down here. We were in
01:12:35:20 - 01:12:55:07
We were in our, you know, mid 20s, trying to figure out adulthood, you know, and that's such a, a trying time, career wise, family wise, all that stuff. And, so he and another friend of ours would meet, and I would meet, every Monday on Monday, Mellow Mushroom over pizza.
01:12:55:07 - 01:13:14:16
And we'd just kind of talk and we would speak that like reordering of our current situation. And so for me, I don't know if I could have, I'm sure with enough willpower and resiliency, like you said, I probably could have, but it was just curated so much more easily when somebody else was helping me guide through that.
01:13:14:18 - 01:13:21:15
Yeah, for sure. I think support is like, I think, like I said before, like we're all built for connection.
01:13:21:20 - 01:13:22:26
01:13:22:29 - 01:13:48:11
I think I, I want to be mindful of, of just pointing out the, the uniqueness of like, everyone's different, right? Everyone's going to process things differently because there are people that go through very, very traumatic things and, and they're fine. yeah. The most part, right. And so for somebody else to come around and say, oh, well, you had these experiences, so you must have x, Y, and Z, right?
01:13:48:18 - 01:13:59:07
Is very much, diminishing their own resiliency in their own, strength. and so that's why I'm always careful with like, I don't want to definitively say, like, you need support.
01:13:59:10 - 01:14:00:08
you know, a lot.
01:14:00:08 - 01:14:03:12
Of us do benefit greatly from that.
01:14:03:15 - 01:14:28:26
So in the video and then, this is my final quote, and I just have to get it out. You said, have you ever had somebody rapid fire? Thank. You said that cloud strength doesn't come from his friends, which was really interesting. instead, it's how he feels about them. His desire to protect them. Essentially, it's his bonds that really make him strong, I love that.
01:14:28:26 - 01:14:37:18
Can you speak to that? You know, what's the difference between his strength doesn't come from his friends. Instead, it comes from his desire to protect them.
01:14:37:21 - 01:14:38:22
Yeah, I think it.
01:14:38:22 - 01:15:06:18
Comes from like, I kind of, again, going back to, like, we're all designed for connection, right? But if we're so fixated on, I need this person, I need these people. And that's what makes me strong. it it sets us up to be very dependent on, And I think it kind of comes from, like, Kingdom Hearts, where, like, Sora's prays all the time.
01:15:06:18 - 01:15:30:16
Is my friends in my power. great. but then we see this moment where, spoilers. Where in the end of Kingdom Hearts three, right? All of his friends are decimated, right? They're just gone. And you see how that, like that monologue that those inner thoughts, like that core belief about himself, where his friends are gone and he's like, I'm nothing without them, right?
01:15:30:18 - 01:15:38:26
And I think that kind of blood over into like, White Cloud and how I characterize him and then sense of like.
01:15:38:29 - 01:15:39:15
01:15:39:17 - 01:15:55:28
Cloud was so like if, if he it goes back to like what I was saying about Tifa. Right. It was very important that he found the strength inside of himself to protect what matters, and not so much that his friends gave him the power to protect.
01:15:56:25 - 01:16:15:29
And I think I think having children, honest. Like, I don't know what everyone saw fire on advent Children. I watched that after the fact. So, I wasn't like part of the seven community when it came out. I okay, I wasn't in all that conversation. So for me, when I, when I started this, psychology video, I was coming at it like fresh eyes.
01:16:16:02 - 01:16:16:22
Oh, boy.
01:16:16:22 - 01:16:44:07
And so seeing this shift of like, okay, he, he had, like, he fought back against Sephiroth, right? He proved himself that he was strong. And then all of a sudden to shift backwards, almost having children was like a very, a very important like part for me because I was like, okay, this this shows that in this moment where cloud was telling everyone in seven right before the final battle, go find yourselves, go find the reason that you're doing this.
01:16:44:10 - 01:17:05:16
You need to be like. You need to know it's why you're doing this, right? When he was saying that, he didn't know himself well, you're quite right. He was able to, like rally himself with his friends to fight back. But then when everything was said and done, he still had that, that self-doubt. Right. And I think, I think that was like one of the core parts of having children that gets missed a lot.
01:17:05:19 - 01:17:16:06
I was seeing him go through his own journey in having children and figuring out like, this is why he's strong, this is why he fights back. what's important.
01:17:16:06 - 01:17:30:14
So I'm so glad that you said that because Cloud's journey and Advent Children, some people are very much like, we just need to not have advent children. I love Advent children because I'm a firm believer that your journey doesn't end at your clay moment.
01:17:30:16 - 01:17:32:14
Yes, right.
01:17:32:16 - 01:17:41:13
Like there's a story afterwards. And that story is oftentimes more compelling because it's how do you reckon with the events that were so catalytic for you?
01:17:41:13 - 01:17:43:10
It often involves a motorcycle.
01:17:43:12 - 01:17:47:29
It yes, and it does starting around 35. It absolutely.
01:17:47:29 - 01:17:51:13
Does. So, yeah, I think, I think.
01:17:51:13 - 01:18:23:01
That's what I like so much about it is because, like, I think cloud instinctually fought back against Sephiroth, knowing that he wanted to protect his friends. but then, like after that, he still had to, like, kind of reconcile and work on himself and still figure himself out, which I think is very humanizing. Like, I think we all think of the hero's journey as like this, and they'll be all right, like, I'm going to go through this whole ordeal and I'm going to hit a heavy spot, and but then I'm going to really find myself, and then I'm going to be perfect.
01:18:23:03 - 01:18:25:26
And it's like, well, that's you know, that's not how it goes.
01:18:25:29 - 01:18:26:07
01:18:26:12 - 01:18:40:01
So having like an actual like origin story with especially cloud is so many people relate to I think kind of have that humanizing step that was really, really cool to see.
01:18:40:04 - 01:18:49:23
Absolutely amazing. So in that same train I've got two questions remaining ones kind of big. And them one is maybe a little more fun I guess. I'm not.
01:18:49:23 - 01:18:50:20
01:18:50:22 - 01:19:08:19
But we we've talked so much about connection and rebirth. I think the devs even revealed that their key word was the bonds of relationship, bonds of friendship. And this, this game that was their driving focus. And you see it in the mini games and all this stuff and the ways that characters will playfully interact and even the affinity system.
01:19:08:21 - 01:19:35:00
But there's one sequence in the game that really speaks to when those bonds break down, and there's a lot of them, but one in particular is the very famous, very beloved scene of Barrett and Dine, and it's this idea of how hatred has consumed dine. Now they did make some, some changes to this. and I was just curious, you know, what
01:19:35:04 - 01:19:41:12
What do you take from that and talk to us a little bit from the clinical side about hate and what hate does to a person?
01:19:42:09 - 01:19:52:09
I yeah. So when I first played the the bearded Dion section in rebirth, I, I like, broke down like it was probably one of the most powerful moments.
01:19:52:09 - 01:19:54:29
Beautiful. You know, and I.
01:19:55:02 - 01:20:19:13
I almost characterize it as like, what is regret? Do, rather than hatred. just because, like, you see these two characters, who I kind of going back full circle where they both have the same traumatic event happen. Right? But because of their core beliefs and because of, like, the peop the people around them, they have two completely different outcomes, right?
01:20:19:13 - 01:20:42:25
For Barrett, he, he has Marlene and has like, this whole, like, motivation to do better and to, like, make sure that she's okay. And so it's almost like dying shows what could have become of Barrett if he was also alone. I love that, that parallel piece of here, here are the two outcomes of what could have happens.
01:20:42:25 - 01:21:06:16
And like here is a kind of going back to that focal point of rebirth here. What the bonds of, of the people around us can have an impact on. and so yeah, I think yeah, the, the ending of, of all of that was, oh, grief is grief is tough. Grief is something that is not it's not like you can sit down and talk about it for ten minutes.
01:21:06:16 - 01:21:10:02
Let me. Okay. With you. it's it's very complex.
01:21:10:05 - 01:21:31:10
What Dimas been feeling, thinking that he had lost everyone and and what he went through because of that grief, and the things that he did. I mean, when he realizes that that Marlene's okay, right. Like, there's this there's, like, almost a break, right? Like he has this, this breaking point of, I'm trying to think. I think in the cutscene, he's like.
01:21:31:10 - 01:21:54:21
Like trying to, like, wipe his hand symbolically, like he's wiping his hands. He's like, I have so much blood on me. Like I can't even, like, meet my daughter, right? I've done so much, I, I'm thinking that she was gone thinking that everyone I loved was gone. I can't see her. And man having like, children and thinking of, I mean, it's it's rough.
01:21:54:24 - 01:21:57:00
01:21:57:02 - 01:22:17:14
that scene, I mean, it's iconic for a reason. And I think it's because it hits on such a personal level for all of us, you know, with with regret and grief and, fear of acceptance or lack or all of that stuff. We all have, stories about that, the way that they tell this story in rebirth.
01:22:17:17 - 01:22:23:29
to to many surprise, during the boss fight with Diane, he gains this almost Resident Evil like.
01:22:23:29 - 01:22:24:25
Oh, yeah, all right.
01:22:24:27 - 01:22:32:25
You know, with all of this, I guess magnetize, mechanism just coming to his arm and stuff. Well, what do you make of that?
01:22:34:07 - 01:22:48:25
So I want to say somebody mentioned, like, Marco is right, or there's something that he, I don't know if they ever specifically come out and say it, but, there's this very.
01:22:48:27 - 01:23:14:04
what's the word I'm looking for? It's a very like, slightly hinting that maybe he's, like, shifted into, like, micro abuse or misuse and, that's why he's, like, seeing his wife and, like, that's why he's, like, having these breaks from reality. And maybe that's why he can, you know, bend reality or, I don't know, like, pull in like that Resident Evil stuff.
01:23:14:06 - 01:23:37:04
but I think that's what I read that when I saw that, I was like, oh, that makes so much sense. Because with regret, like, with, because regret makes us and I, I gotta keep myself focused. I don't want to jump off into too many things. with regrets. It is. There's so much internal struggle that happened, right?
01:23:37:04 - 01:24:00:10
Like, there is so much, just like rethinking everything that we've felt was normal, right? Like, with regret, we we have these holes that that dig into our life. Right. and so we have a decision with regret where we can either sit in front of those holes and let them consumers and, or we can build around them.
01:24:00:12 - 01:24:28:07
Right. Like those those holes don't go anywhere. We're always going to have that. and I think that's one of the things that that is tough about regret and about grief and loss is those those pockets, those holes don't ever just magically heal. we can either fall into them or we can let it consumers or we can, you know, start to build around them to not get back to normal, but to have a new normal.
01:24:28:09 - 01:24:49:06
Right. and and again, that's, that's a very simplified way of looking at it too. Right. Is because sometimes we will build around it and we will, you know, start to heal, only to fall into that grief and at a later point in life. and so it's a very much like a not point A to point B kind of thing with grief and loss.
01:24:49:08 - 01:25:09:04
and I think we see with Diane that his way of coping with that was not to build around it, but to distract himself, to make himself forget about it. Right. And so I think it makes perfect sense that he would like, you know, try to use Marco to connect with a live stream to see his beloved.
01:25:09:07 - 01:25:11:07
I don't know if he knew that that would happen.
01:25:12:14 - 01:25:17:28
But I think that. Yeah, it makes complete sense that he would shift into like Marco. Mrs..
01:25:18:00 - 01:25:38:02
It really does. because you, you hit a point where, you know, the grief or regret or hatred or whatever feeling and anguish and angst that you begin to feel, you've got to do something about that. One of the most interesting scenes, for me in the game with Barrett and Don, I would love your take on this
01:25:38:02 - 01:25:42:27
when, Don has just continued to build that for everybody listening.
01:25:42:27 - 01:26:16:01
Both Barrett and Don lost their arms during, an escape from, their hometown when it was under siege. And they both separately augmented their arms with, artillery. so a machine gun on each one of their arms during the battle between Barrett and Don. Don augments his even further with even more things. And it's from the Marco misuse that bio is mentioned, but after the battle, Barrett removes his.
01:26:16:03 - 01:26:43:14
And it's such an interesting piece. There's these two people with this similar same, excuse me, core memory, but their core belief has caused them to augment themselves differently. For Dion, he's, building something that he's going to exact revenge. Right. And Barrett is trying to do something for a means to an end, almost to end a time of hatred or death or something like that.
01:26:43:18 - 01:26:44:00
01:26:44:03 - 01:26:50:01
Talk to me a little bit about that. Was that does that make sense from a clinical standpoint? How much you've seen that.
01:26:50:03 - 01:26:51:03
So like.
01:26:51:05 - 01:26:53:14
With Barrett's very much.
01:26:53:16 - 01:26:54:14
Excuse me.
01:26:54:16 - 01:27:01:16
it's very much like a, like you said, like a means to an end, like it's, it's I'm doing these things. I don't like it,
01:27:01:16 - 01:27:11:21
passionate about not having somebody else experience the same thing I did that I'm just I'm going to do whatever it takes, right. And I think that that's a very simplified look at you.
01:27:11:21 - 01:27:35:29
Barrett is. But like essentially I'm going to protect the people that I need to protect, and I'm going to do whatever means necessary. That might mean I'm the bad guy and I'm fine taking that role. As we see in the beginning of remake and beginning of seven, where he's very much just like, I'm I'm going to be aggressive and get my way because, you know, the end goal is I'm protecting what matters.
01:27:37:23 - 01:27:46:25
Whereas with Dyne, it's, it's very much like I have nothing left. I'm going to take down as many people as possible.
01:27:46:25 - 01:27:59:10
essentially, like, I'm going to just I'm going to just hurt other people because I'm hurt. and so I want to say in the original, he like, talks about, like taking Marlene with him.
01:27:59:10 - 01:28:08:25
Right. Like, it's very much like a this world is terrible. There's nothing good in this world. I'm. I'm just going to to end it. Essentially.
01:28:09:01 - 01:28:16:06
Yeah. Ended and end Marlene. And they're going to reunite as a family in the afterlife. whatever that is.
01:28:16:13 - 01:28:26:29
Of nihilistic in the sense of like, nothing, nothing is good, right? There's nothing good here. Like, I need to, like, just end everything when I can. when I think
01:28:26:29 - 01:28:46:00
Encapsulated his grief so well because he was. Because important in the end, the rebirth or the end of his time in rebirth, where he's like, I, I don't want to be here. Right? I have wanted to leave this place for a long time, and I have not been able to, like, I know what I need to do and I can't do it.
01:28:46:02 - 01:28:52:13
and I think that was, again, like a very humanizing thing. the very, like, upsetting thing of.
01:28:52:16 - 01:28:54:16
01:28:54:19 - 01:29:18:02
I don't know, it's hard to like it's hard to talk about topics like this because, like going down, like content, like you don't want to say the wrong thing and get, like, demonetized. Like, if you say certain words like it, it reduces your reach. But, like, these are things that everybody struggles with. And I think that, like having a character and having an arc like this of like, I have these thoughts that I want to hurt myself.
01:29:18:02 - 01:29:41:12
I don't want to be here. but I'm too scared or like, I'm, I just can't I can't follow through with it. and I think that was like, I don't know. I think that was like a really important thing to include in that of, like with, with regret, with with this grief. Like, people have those thoughts like, people don't want to be here, don't want to, don't want to be on this earth.
01:29:41:14 - 01:29:57:18
And sometimes, like they are just one step away from from making a really, really harmful, devastating decision. and like, there's not a it's not a good choices. It's not like if there's not a happy ending to that.
01:29:57:21 - 01:30:00:01
Right? I feel like that's such.
01:30:00:01 - 01:30:21:29
A sensitive topic, that rebirth, kind of elegantly looks at and says like, this is this is suffering and this is the way that we try to mitigate suffering in our lives. And everybody's just trying to do the best they can. And it's tiring. It's exhausting.
01:30:22:01 - 01:30:23:05
And that's that's.
01:30:23:05 - 01:30:48:02
Why he shifts to write this macro is right. And like the ending of dying is not a happy ending and the end is the word. There's there's no resolution to his feelings, right? He learns that his daughter's alive and that he he's done so much that he feels like he can't go see her. Right. he saves Barrett, but not in the sense of, like, it's not even chivalrous.
01:30:48:02 - 01:31:02:19
It's just like it's just in a in a moment of pain, he tries to take out Shinra, who's hurt him more. And so then he falls on Barrett, and it's not even a nice goodbye, right? It's carry this guilt, carry this.
01:31:02:22 - 01:31:06:13
The weight of this. Like you're carrying this from now on.
01:31:06:15 - 01:31:07:19
it's. Yeah.
01:31:07:21 - 01:31:18:01
And again, what a powerful moment when cloud, in a remarkable departure of his usual self, just says to him. Hey, you don't have to bear this alone. We're with you.
01:31:18:03 - 01:31:18:22
01:31:18:24 - 01:31:33:12
To me, that almost brought a tear to my eye because it's like cloud. You're like the most emotionally unavailable person in this game. And all of a sudden you're like, you know, given the given Barrett a, like, a big hug, he doesn't in the game. He's not that close. But emotionally.
01:31:33:13 - 01:31:35:07
01:31:35:07 - 01:31:35:28
I think it's.
01:31:35:28 - 01:32:05:27
Because for a lot of people cloud is this like guy who just doesn't understand stuff when in reality he's just he's he doesn't know how to talk about it. Right. And so when he sees this burden right, this this weight part of him can relate to that. And I think maybe it's something that he wants to hear. And, and often the, the times that we resonate and that we try to care for others, we're speaking what we wish we had heard.
01:32:06:00 - 01:32:08:28
Right. And so it's almost like cathartic.
01:32:09:01 - 01:32:21:05
Isn't that just a banger phrase? Like so often we're saying the things we wish we could be hearing. Yeah, that's that's amazing. and so true to reality.
01:32:21:05 - 01:32:28:18
we talked a lot about rebirth. I feel like, you know, you have opened my eyes to, to look at some of these scenes so differently.
01:32:28:18 - 01:32:41:15
And I can't thank you enough for that. Thinking about the future, what's one thing that you want to see and really hope is detailed in part three?
01:32:41:17 - 01:32:48:22
I, I really like I still come back to that, like nihilistic, like tragic ending where.
01:32:48:22 - 01:32:49:23
Everyone gets.
01:32:49:23 - 01:32:56:27
To die. Right? and it's not like it sounds so bad, like saying it out loud, but I just think, like.
01:32:57:00 - 01:32:59:07
Having this moment where they all.
01:32:59:14 - 01:32:59:21
01:32:59:21 - 01:33:11:11
All know the decision that they have to make, right? They see both futures, right of like, this is what happens if there are things that come back and this is the future where, like both of them don't come back.
01:33:11:11 - 01:33:27:10
These are the consequences that happen. And are you okay taking those consequences? I, I think like having that decision, honestly, like, my dream is like we have we have a branching sequence, right where, like, we as a player get to make that decision.
01:33:27:10 - 01:33:29:09
Oh my gosh, I it will.
01:33:29:09 - 01:33:32:04
It will never happen. Right. None of this will ever happen. because.
01:33:32:04 - 01:33:33:22
I very much like, what is.
01:33:33:24 - 01:33:35:26
You a way. But my dream scenario.
01:33:35:26 - 01:33:41:24
Whatevs. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
01:33:41:26 - 01:33:51:07
Yeah, I don't think that that ever happen, but having that, like, branching sequence of, like, we can decide either to save these people, which I think a lot of people would, and then we just have all these cataclysmic, like.
01:33:51:10 - 01:33:54:20
Terrible things happen. I.
01:33:54:20 - 01:34:12:00
Don't know, like, I just think I think a lot of times we especially with Aerith, so many people want her to live, right. There is so many people who would make up minds or to who make like, like these what ifs in. They're like back before, you know, we could fact check everything where people would like, write out these these long posts about what would happen.
01:34:12:00 - 01:34:17:00
Like this is my game glitched if I actually saved Aerith. Right. and so like.
01:34:17:03 - 01:34:18:08
Like seeing.
01:34:18:10 - 01:34:26:08
You know, the end product of that and like realizing like, oh, this is why this happen. I don't know. I just think that'd be cool.
01:34:26:11 - 01:34:33:15
No, that would be amazing. You'd be a, I imagine it would be a technically developmental nightmare trying to figure out.
01:34:33:15 - 01:34:37:16
All of the possible. I mean, who knows? if, if.
01:34:37:22 - 01:34:42:02
If Schrodinger's baby seal is listening, he's rolling his eyes because I talk every so much.
01:34:42:02 - 01:34:46:26
About that. But that's okay.
01:34:46:28 - 01:34:52:26
Like, I'm pretty sure he influenced the devs to have, the characters brought out on stretchers for that one trailer.
01:34:52:26 - 01:34:54:28
So, yeah, I know he was.
01:34:54:28 - 01:34:56:01
Screaming at the.
01:34:56:02 - 01:34:59:18
Game boards or whatever it was. Oh yeah, that was wild.
01:34:59:21 - 01:35:10:10
Well, Rocks. Is there anything else that you want to say? Just, you know, by way of closing out, this is kind of your your floor, your, open mic time.
01:35:10:12 - 01:35:11:16
I think,
01:35:11:18 - 01:35:25:21
The only other thing I wanted to talk about was, there's this moment at the end, the rebirth. I think it's during the temple of the ancients. Okay. Say, it's that moment where, like, each person has to, like, go through their own trauma trials.
01:35:25:21 - 01:35:29:11
Yeah, yeah, the trials. And, I that.
01:35:29:11 - 01:35:33:26
It's like, one of my favorite parts. And I would love to make, like, a deep dive into it because it it's.
01:35:33:28 - 01:35:37:26
It's so powerful. It is. And I think it sets up.
01:35:37:27 - 01:35:47:13
So much of like that conversation cloud is going to have where he's like, you guys need to figure out why you're fighting, right? And it sets up that those pieces of like.
01:35:47:16 - 01:35:48:15
Oh, it does.
01:35:48:16 - 01:35:49:17
Here is everything, right.
01:35:49:17 - 01:35:52:02
This is the way it does. Yeah.
01:35:52:05 - 01:36:02:21
And I would just like I would love to, to see all of that kind of connect and, and keep going in the future games. But that whole section was so powerful like I.
01:36:02:23 - 01:36:04:28
There are amazing I.
01:36:05:01 - 01:36:18:04
Everyone I speak to, they always have something to say about trials. Those trials. What is it about those trials that do you think hits at a human level, like universally?
01:36:18:06 - 01:36:20:03
I think it's just like one.
01:36:20:03 - 01:36:36:28
I think it's new. Right? I think that's one of the things of I think it most of it is either like talked about in future, like books or in like kind of fleshed out in different scenarios, but like, that's one of the parts where it's like, oh, this is new. This is like this is something that we haven't seen before.
01:36:37:00 - 01:37:15:01
But I think that's one reason why it's so like and you can powerful. But then I think the other pieces like, like all of the things that happen, are very much humanizing things. Right. Grief, loss of Barrett. that that feeling of of, that rejection. But that feeling of of, with Aerith, like, that's probably one of the, the saddest scenes for me is like that feeling of helplessness as, like the person that is supposed to be my caretaker, that's supposed to know what's going on and supposed to protect me is now not there, right?
01:37:15:01 - 01:37:30:05
Like I I'm now having to go look for help for the person that I thought was like, you know, my protector. and I think that that helplessness feeling is, is very, relational, or relatable. Sorry.
01:37:30:08 - 01:37:31:27
01:37:31:29 - 01:37:42:06
I'm trying to think of the other characters. I think each one just had a very humanizing element to it that was very relatable on, on just a fundamental level.
01:37:42:09 - 01:37:58:14
Well, those trials to me were where some of the most fascinating things in the entire game, just because it did build the lore. And what I can say is, this episode, this interview is going to come out the same week as a video essay I've got coming out that's going to address some of those trials. So this.
01:37:58:14 - 01:37:59:21
Is a really.
01:37:59:21 - 01:38:01:03
Nice kind of launch pad for.
01:38:01:03 - 01:38:06:17
That. It's going to be really fast. I like it. So, I, you know.
01:38:06:19 - 01:38:10:01
Evan, anything from you as we close out.
01:38:10:04 - 01:38:16:19
How can people find you? What do you have coming up that you want to share and chat about your site?
01:38:16:22 - 01:38:24:24
so I'm on a YouTube, Twitch, Twitter. there's a, like, my three main things. coming up.
01:38:26:03 - 01:38:43:23
I'll probably still be working on the psychology of Zeno. Right. That's my next, like, big video. And I put out, I was like, saw is like the main character of Kingdom Hearts, but, I feel like Zeno is almost like a second main character in that series, just with how much, backstory and character development that he has.
01:38:43:23 - 01:38:50:13
And so I've been, like, poring over all the games, trying to put together this, this, cohesive breakdown of
01:38:50:13 - 01:38:56:06
March 3rd, they're like, why did you do this? 180 like, what is what is he going on about? And it's like.
01:38:56:09 - 01:38:56:19
01:38:56:19 - 01:39:13:21
If you just play the games and you don't like, you don't dive into like the secret reports, the side games like Zeno, it's motivations seem to shift pretty quickly. And drastically. but if you if he knows anything or, all of his decisions and everything are very much fun, like, very.
01:39:13:21 - 01:39:14:17
01:39:14:19 - 01:39:30:19
Like, driven by one singular, motivation. And so, I want to make a video on that. I also like and wanting to do like a more casual psychology of format for streams. so that'll be coming out at some point.
01:39:30:22 - 01:39:32:14
Oh. But.
01:39:32:17 - 01:40:04:02
yeah, like playing through, games and, I feel like I kind of like, with this podcast, like, it's, it's easy to get off on to like, other tangents and, and flesh out ideas that I can only briefly touch on in videos. And so having that more like casual, format or streams I think would be like really interesting to dive into, different games and give more of like a, you know, psychology of certain games rather than like doing like I'm short and brief blurb free character.
01:40:04:04 - 01:40:06:13
So those are the those are the things on the horizon.
01:40:06:15 - 01:40:12:23
That's awesome. That is exactly the kind of content that I crave. So, I will be waiting eagerly for that.
01:40:12:26 - 01:40:15:09
And thanks so much for your time. And thanks for.
01:40:15:09 - 01:40:17:13
Your. Seriously. Yeah, I've.
01:40:17:13 - 01:40:22:01
I've I'm so honored that you guys wanted to talk to me. And I'm very appreciative.
01:40:22:03 - 01:40:39:19
by that, like I said, the honor is all ours. And we are so glad that you, made time to be with us tonight. So thank you so much. everybody go check out Bio Rocks us on YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter slash X. I guess we're supposed to call it that now. So, everybody go and check out our bio stuff.
01:40:39:22 - 01:41:00:18
and with that, we are excited to continue our, I don't Fantasy seven rebirth lecture series. thanks for listening. And stay tuned for our next episode as well as lecture plays. on Tuesday and Thursday nights of, various chapters of rebirth as we go through the semester. And, until next time, we will see you in class.
01:41:00:21 - 01:41:19:05
Bye, everybody. Oh, the wiggle with the avatar. Oh, I'm. This is that I don't have arms, so I don't know. it's also I don't know, he says. Oh, this was an imaginary conversation.
01:41:19:05 - 01:41:20:21
I made my character up.
01:41:20:23 - 01:41:37:18
Oh. Oh, very, very soon. Very. They took his legs. I know they took his legs. This is very good. And. Oh, this. Let's.
01:42:04:25 - 01:42:23:18
Speaker 1
Thank you so much to bio Roxas for the interview and the great conversation. Thanks to Husky by the Geek for the use of this amazing theme song that you wrote for us. Thanks to Nick Smith for doing the graphics and thanks to viewers like you for tuning in. All the support, the likes, the comments, all the subscribing that you're doing, we really do appreciate it.
01:42:23:20 - 01:42:35:09
Speaker 1
Just a special note to hop on over to the podcast that we've got there and hit subscribe on that too. It really helps us out. We hope that you have a fantastic rest of your week, and we will see you next episode. Bye bye.